Elective Lip Filler Dissolve
CPD Lemon Bottle COMBINED Skin Booster Mesotherapy and Microneedle conversion Course
CourseOfficial Lemon Bottle trainer in Sussex. This Lemon Bottle Skin Booster training will teach you the mesotherapy and micro-needling theory alongside a downloadable booklet and video demonstration.
Combined Vitamin Injection Course (B12, Biotin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Pabrinex)
CourseVitamins are becoming more popular as people are learning of the benefits they bring. This course combines Vitamin B12, C, D, Biotin and B Complex (Pabrinex) and provides video demonstration of IM injection to the deltoid, glute and leg.
Supreme Beauty CPD Anatomy and Physiology Level 3
CourseAn in-depth Anatomy and Physiology course including coursework that must be complete before certificate of completion is issued. Coursework is important to gauge a competent level of understanding and to help learners digest the information provided.
WHAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU - things to know when setting up an Aesthetics or Beauty business
CourseA guide on things you need to consider when setting up an aesthetics or beauty business. Things your not told or find out along the way, tips on social medial, what set up equipment you will need, insurance, how to find pharmacies, places to shop etc
CPD Lemon Bottle Skin Booster Mesotherapy conversion Course
CourseOfficial Lemon Bottle trainer in Sussex. This Lemon Bottle Skin Booster training will teach you the theory alongside a downloadable booklet and provide a video demonstration via Mesotherapy.